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Wednesday, 31 January 2018

February Flowers

 Viburnum tinus Lisa Rose
Viburnum tinus Lisa Rose
The newest Viburnum tinus to us and we love it.Its not hugely different in the pot but I believe its habit will be more compact flowering a little longer and flowers a little rosier!Its a great evergreen and we've been planting it in our winter containers. One of which is pictured above which those who can to our last hardy container workshop may remember,
Viburnum bodnariensis 'Charles Lemont'

This is the lone winter flowers on bare stems an alternative to the more commonly known variety 'Dawn'
Daphne Mezereum

The star of the show if we did not have tulips is the fabulous sweet scented daphne and its fellow comrade below.

Daphne odora Auromarginata
A hardy plant with good all rear round evergreen foliage makes this an excellent choice for many borders and the fragrance is Divine.

Jasminium nudiflorum
Jasmine is one of the most uplifting aromas so if you can squeeze a hardy Jasmine climber in your garden do! This is also an evergreen.
 Its worth noting that these scented flowers are fabulous for wildlife. Most fragrances exist to attract insects and bees so they can be found to  supply nectar and pollen when required. As the queen bees emerge from hibernation at the fist spell of mild weather they are crucial for survival.

Helleborus ericsmithii Winter Sunshine
Hellebores are growing in popularity due to the newer reliable varieties bringing  longer flowering periods, more colour and stronger foliage. We have a long season of hellebores now extending to early summer but it begins with some lovely early varieties. Early season we have the Helleborus niger and the hybrids produced from this classic white hellebore. This includes the Winter Gold series largely white, Nigercors and the Ericsmithii varieties, which are a hybrid of h.Sternii and H. Niger. We also have some variants of Helleborus Niger such as Christmas Carol, which should be slightly stronger.The Nurseries carries a huge selection of hellebores not listed on the web site. Please call if you would like an ericsmthii variety.

Eranthis (Winter aconite)
 Winter aconite and cyclamen grow happily under trees and in the grass popping up this time of year. You will have more success planting them in the green like snowdrops.