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Friday 26 July 2024

Bordering on the Beautiful Continued

Late Summer Garden Flowers 4 different colourways
Bordering on the beautiful - The story continues...

Thursday 25 July 2024

Bordering On The Beautiful

Do your borders lack colour?
We have all the colours, textures and form to elevate your borders

Flowers For The Tipi

 Here at the Nurseries we love fresh homegrown flowers. These were picked from my garden today for The Garden Tipi.

Monday 1 July 2024

July Gardener's Calendar

 Take steps to prevent your pots and garden getting tired and loosing vigour whilst working hard to delight. A little chopping, snipping and feeding should encourage your annuals and herbaceous to carry on flowering late into the year.

Monday 24 June 2024

Fresh Flowers From Your Garden for Cutting

I Love Bringing Flowers Into The Home

Sweet peas and leucanthemum daisies are just some of the fresh flowers you can grow easily in your garden.

June Gardener's Calendar

June is a month to be enjoying the garden but with a little bit of care and some snipping and deadheading you can keep those flowers going often into late summer

Thursday 9 May 2024

Perennial Favourites

This is a great month to admire herbaceous perennials with show many 

Wisteria The King of English Climbers

Wisteria is another plant in the leguminous family. Its related to peas. Its  perhaps not so surprising it has lovely fragrance. Leguminous plants can help to put nitrogen back into the soil through nodules on their roots.

Friday 3 May 2024

Home produce: Grow Your Own A Quick Guide

How To Make A Summer Hanging Basket

Here are some step by step photos of us making up a basket
There are different ways of potting up baskets and we don't always follow the same pattern but here is one Peter made up.
 You will need:

What To Plant Now

The perfect time to plant is now. Moist soil and warmer condions help plants root. Get your plants established so you can enjoy many of them this year, particularly the perennials.

Edible flowers Are Abundant All Year Round

Edible flowers are a hot topic at the moment and whilst I do not recommend taking risks with something new if you may have allergens and many people have pollen allergies there are many reasons for adding pretty flowers to your salads and cakes.

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Planting in Shade


One of the most difficult spots people find to to plant is shade. This is why we have created a shade house in our shade tunnel and its brimming with plants, not just ferns and hostas but perennials, excellent ground cover for both dry and wet shade. Here are some suggestions that should help to carpet the ground. 

Colour Ideas For Summer Pots, Containers and Hanging Baskets.

Take A Look At Some Of The Summer Bedding Colour Combinations 

Pinks, blues and silver tones are one of the most popular colour choices

May Gardener’s Calendar

Here are a few suggestions of what you can be getting on with in the garden this month.

Step Into The Wild

 Mix the wild with choice perennials to achieve this beautiful wild themed garden.

Thursday 11 April 2024

Supporting Your Garden Plants

This time of year its important to get the right frame work into your borders. No one wants floppy flowers. You need to get the supports in now before the plants get too big and before you damage them, particularly perennials like delphiniums and paeonies.

Sunday 17 March 2024

Plant Thugs Make Useful Ground Cover


We all have problem areas in our garden. Rather than grow weeds we do sometimes need a few strong plants to cover the ground and beat the weeds. These are some of my recommended thugs that can do the job!

Magnolias Month of Glory

Magnolia stellata (Star Magnolia)
Magnolias really about to have their month of glory. I have seen the deep purple Susan, soft pink Betty, Magnolia × loebneri Leonard Messel, M.stellata, Magnolia × soulangeana and Vulcan another deep coloured variety all flowering soon.

How to Prune your Garden and when to Pruning

 If It Flowers Before June Don't Prune

*Things that flower before June are flowering on wood or stems produced last year so don't cut them off before its had chance to flower, if you have time to prune it properly. Plants that flower later can have a trim in the early spring because they will flower on new growth later in the year.

Exochordia Is A beautiful Spring Flowering Shrub

Exochordia  xmacrantha, one of my all-time spring favourites it is soon to be absolutely flush with flowers. Otherwise known as the pearl bush.

Top Perennial Plants for Early Colour This Spring

Lamprocapnos Spectablis, Dicentra Spectablis or good old Bleeding Heart. What ever you now call this perennial it is just lovely.

Vinca, Primula elata, pulsatila, pulminaria, geraniums, bergena, bruneria, polemoniumn, (Solmon's Seal) Polygonatum and tiarella are just some of the gorgeous perennials performing at the moment.

Supporting The Bees In Spring

Here are a few ideas of what we can plant to keep our gardens interesting in early spring and support our beautiful bumble bees.

April Gardener's Calendar

Here is what you could be getting on with in the garden this month