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Friday 5 March 2021

Companion Planting, Plants That Should and Should Not Be Grown Together

Companion planting is usually something we discuss in reference to protecting our vegetables from pests and enhancing their growth. Herbs in general are very beneficial when often aromatic creating distraction.

Here Are Some Plants That support One Another

  • Basil and tagetes protect tomatoes from unwanted pest.
  • Garlic may provide some protection from green fly.
  • Nepeta and Lavender attract a healthy balance of beneficial insects (like Ladybirds and lacewings) and are generally considered helpful companions to Roses. 
  • Nepeta also smothers weeds well but remember it is a cat magnet or perhaps cannabis for cats!
  •  A rough patch of ground may actually be beneficial to a good crop as nettles attract the dreaded and damaging cabbage whites a bit of messy ground close to your delicate brassicas plants may detract the pests away from your crop
  • Strong scented herbs in general are beneficial grown near veg acting as pest deterrents masking them from preying insects.
  • Plants in the Onion family help to mask the smell from the carrot fly. Carrot fly can smell Carrots over a mile away.  
  • I have heard Onions/Garlic/Leaks/Chives help to deter slugs. I was told to plant them around lettuces. Let me know if anyone has tried this successfully?
  • Basil and Marigolds are natural insect repellents and work well planted with Tomatoes.  
  • Nasturtiums apparently attract aphids. They therefore distract aphids from your vegetables. We should try planting them as protection for our beans. 
  • Sage and lavender are highly aromatic and are therefore exceptionally good used as pest repellents, ideally you should plant them close to your veg patch. 
  • Garlic, chives and coriander should all help to deter aphids 
 There are also plants that are detrimental to one another. 
  • Definitely don't grow tomatoes near brassicas and garlic and onions near peas and beans.
Perhaps the one of the most beneficial forms of planting within your ornamental borders is to include many good single flowering, scented, pollinating plants, this covers many of the cottage garden varieties. Support the pollinators if you want good reproduction in your garden and encourage good fruits berries etc. Ornamental plants trees, shrubs and perennials clearly have some good associations.
Plant companions should both look good together and require similar growing conditions. Where you place plants in association to other can be as beneficial as a good companion plant. A tree may provide shade for a shade loving plant. Create some herbaceous shallow rooted shade over the roots of many clematis varieties and allow plants to help each other along the way.