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Thursday, 6 March 2025

March Gardener’s Calendar

March is the month the garden really wakes up. The spring primroses are gorgeous, lots of bulbs are coming through there is some early blossom on the tree. Daphne odora will bless us with its fragrance, magnolias will look their best, camellias are out now. Many alpines are out in flower and they look so pretty. It's a great month. Everything is fresh.

  • Establishing shrubs trees and perennials now will mean new growth that emerges as the plants begin to grow, can be sustained well by the roots in the ground.
  • Plant bare rooted plants such as hedging and large shrubs and trees, whilst there is lots of moisture in the ground.
  • Plant fruit tree and bushes.
  • Prune fruit trees whilst trees are still dormant in the early part of this month.
  • Bulbs such as snowdrops and winter aconites establish better when planted now in the green rather than as bulbs in the autumn.
  • Sweet Peas need to be sewn now to plant out next month.
  • Pot up some hardy spring containers to lift your spirits. Enjoy the bellis daisies, primulas, violas, pansies and spring bulbs for instant colour.
  • Perennial that have a formed a hollow center to the clump like a doughnut should be divided.
  • Heuchera and similar perennials may need lifting and replanting if they have lifted their roots out of the ground and risk root rock.
  • Climbing and bush roses need a prune along with honeysuckles and other scrambling climbers. (David Austin and rambling roses remove any dead, diseased and damaged wood)
  • Give the grass a very moderate first cut on a dry day
  • Watch out for slugs. As soon as the soil reaches 10 degrees they will be hatching prolifically. There are many control methods ideally use a organic slug killer that does not kill off other predators or nematodes.
  • Salix (species such as alba) and Cornus (Dog Wood)which have bright bark shoots need cutting back so the stems will produce maximum colour in the autumn.
  • It is crucial to grow some plants to sustain the newly emerging bumble bees.
  • Start to think about getting your onions and shallots in the ground
  • When the weather warms up, risk a few very early potatoes, it’s worth it but don’t go mad it is a gamble!
  • Broad beans go in now.
  • Top up your borders with soil conditioner and consider feeding your garden with slow release feed.
  • Enjoy the excellent range of early alpines that are coming into flower now new varieties of aubrietia and arabis. Why not make up some low alpine pots. Plant in contains with half grit and half compost for good drainage. Our Hardy Container workshop is coming up next month.
  • Re-pot anything that’s been stuck in old compost for ages and needs a bit of extra vigour and for optimum success add some slow release feed.