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Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Friday, 8 November 2024

Christmas Trees 2024

 Available now
. If you need to reserve an extra large tree please get in touch on 01280848038

Christmas 2024 in the Shop

W E L C O M E  TO  O U R   C H R I S T M A S

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Christmas Gardener's Shopping List


G A R D E N E R 'S   S H O P P I N G   L I S T

Are you stuck for a gift but your friend or relative is a keen gardener. When you are a gardener there is always something you need, from plants and seeds to everything for the garden and outdoor space. I hope my gardener's list helps to give you some ideas.

Friday, 1 November 2024

Three Counties Specialist Tree Nursery

O U R  N E W  T R E E  A R E A

We have expanded and now as the Three Counties specialist tree nursery have over 600 beautiful trees on site. 

Simple Hardy Autumn Winter Container Combinations

W I N T E R  H A R D Y  P O T S

Planted pots and containers are something we specialise in, and while we would love to plant them for you there is no reason why you can't have a go. These are just a small selection of hardy plants that can be combined to make  winter containers.

Hardy Winter Containers


H A R D Y  C O N T A I N E R  I D E A R S
Y O U  W I L L  L O V E

Every season we reserve one of the tunnels for seasonal interest perfect for pots and containers. There is a myth that the winter is dull. It is a myth. The colour may not be flower dependant though there is no shortage of flower with violas and hellebores, cyclamen and bellis to highlight a few.

Creating A Good Winter Garden

W I N T E R   G A R D E N S   A R E  B E A U T I F U L

Grumbles about winter gardens are not justified. The fault lies firstly with us and our fair weathered nature. We shop when its warm and buy what we see in flower in May and June and miss the winter flowers. I am generalising. Go shopping on a mid winters day and you will then appreciate we have colour all winter.

Flowers For The Winter- Hellebore and Viburnum tinus


T W O  W I N T E R  C O M P A N I O N S

Viburnum tinus Spirit (evergreen shrub) with Helleborus 'Ice N' Roses Red'

Viburnum Tinus One of the Best Fragrant Winter Flowering Hardy Evergreen

O N E  O F  T H E  MO S T  G A R D E N  W O R T H Y  E V E R G R E E N S

Viburnum Tinus

Simply looking amazing is the viburnum tinus.  I love everything about this large evergreen shrub. Numerous varieties are available  from basic tinus to, Spirit, Gwenllian, Lisa Rose, Purpurea and French White, Spring Bouquet. The differences are very slight and I have yet to tell them all apart. The flowering time vary slighty as does the blossom colour. I have a garden full of the Viburnum tinus and I does really well and I hasten to add it has a lovely fragrance.

Mahonia A Tough Winter Shrub

T H E  T O U G H I S T   O F  W I N T E R  S H R U B S
Mahonia is a great thug of a shrub. A massive holly like evergreen. But is it not worth it for these magnificent yellow plumes in January.

Sarcococca Confusa Or Christmas Box

F A B U L O U S  W I N T E R   F R A G R A N T  E V E R G R E E N

Sarcococca Confusa is a small leafed glossy green hardy evergreen with sweet scented small stringy flowers in winter often at Christmas or just after hence the common name Christmas Box.

Top Winter Bloomers

 T O P  W I N T E R   P E R F O R M E R S

November Gardener's Calendar

  • Its a very good time to plant hedges, trees, shrubs and fruit. To give your garden the very best head start continue the tradition of autumn planting and plant as much as possible now. Planting in autumn conditions is recommended because the ground is favourable and if we establish plants now we can enjoy them next year. Plants benefit from having time to create a solid root system through autumn, winter and early spring, when they are not under pressure to flower and produce leaves. Work now while the soil is still warm and moist and not yet frozen. And don't forget to get your spring bulbs in.

Thursday, 26 September 2024

Fruit for Thought. A Down to Earth Talk. Plant Your Fruit Now for Next Year

It's a very good time to plant fruit and the rest of your garden. The soil is moist and still warm giving shrubs, perennials, trees and fruit the optimum chance of establishing before we have winter dormancy. They can get their roots in the ground so they will be strong and ready to grow from April onwards next year.