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Saturday 26 February 2022

Viburnum tinus has to be the best evergreen shrub this season


 This was taken yesterday evening. Beautiful fragrant white flowers. 

It can be comfortably pruned as a mid height shrub or allowed to reach its potential as a back border shrub. It flowers for ages often going from November to March and it can make a really good evergreen hedge. No problem in heavy soil. It is the sort of tough that even if you hack it down to next to nothing it will recover better than ever.

Any grumbly problems with the viburnum beetle are no real threat if you remember the pesky thing is a climber so remover a few of the bottom branches and don't leave ant foliage underneath decaying and its stuck. I successfully turned one of my shrubs into a lolly pop it looks fabulous and its the ultimate way of stopping a beetle from climbing and making muchy holes.