Looks like this is the new hot shrub. I can not believe how
like a photinia it appears. The fresh growth is a good rich bronze. It is not as
horrendously big as the 5m odoratissimum or green sweet viburnum. Hight wise
this shrub is more like growing a Viburnum tinus or a Photina fraseri ‘Red
Not only is this new shrub evergreen it has good fragrant
white flowers in spring. Though I have only seen pictures and wont be able to
photograph it myself until next year.
We don’t know a great deal about it yet in the UK just that
it’s tipped to hit the market big time. I believe its hardy, obviously great
foliage colour, fragrant blossom and general a great structural evergreen or
potential hedging plant. I think it does have great potential and I plan to
plant one in my garden and see how it does.