Some of these will be arriving in stock at the end of January. The onion and garlic are in now.
Prepacked Onions, Garlic, Fruit, Mushrooms & Plants | |
| Bulbs/Plants per Pack |
Centurion F1 | 50 |
Comred | 50 |
Garlic Cassablanca | 3 |
Garlic Germidour | 2 |
Giant Garlic Elephant | 3 |
Ginger Zingiger Officinale | 1 |
Horse Radish | 2 |
Mushroom Kits | 1 |
Rhubarb Red Champagne | 1 |
Strawberry Elsanta | 3 |
Strawberry Framberry | 3 |
Strawberry Ostara | 3 |
Strawberry White Pineberry | 2 |