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Saturday 19 September 2020

Freshen Up Your Garden With Autumn Winter Pots


Here is what I put in a fresh autumn\winter pot. A pernettya for the gorgeous berries, a heuchera for the rich foliage, a small stipa grass for the soft texture and a few violas for an extra splash of colour.

Pernettya prefer a lime free compost so I filled the pot with ericaceous compost.

This pot should give you interest right into late spring.

If you were making this yourself it would be lovely to under plant with some spring bulbs. Small narcissus or iris recticlata.

We have dedicated a whole pollytunnel to plants for our autumn winter pots. It hosts plants like evergreen ferns,grasses, small colourful evergreen shrubs, violas, pansies,thyme, chrysanthemums and cyclamen.