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Wednesday, 10 June 2020

It Is Gooseberry Time

It’s June and I am seeing ripe gooseberries fruits everywhere I go. Not just green ones (Invita) there are some red varieties Rokula. It’s a very easy fruit to grow. We only planted ours last year and there is quiet a crop on them. Most berries ripen better in a sunny spot. These enjoy lots of organic matter.

I am looking for what I can do with the berries. Gin sounds quiet good but looks like they taste good with ginger and I am seeing recipes with apple and elderflower. I have got gooseberry fool, tart sorbet and making chutney on my list of possibilities.

Looking forward to my Chokeberries (Aronia) which are apparently as sweet as cherries and grapes. I also have Tayberries which are a cross between blackberries and raspberry. They will be large and sweet. You can’t have enough raspberries and they are expensive but the idea of a bigger fruit is great. I’ll be comparing them with my raspberries.