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Monday 20 April 2020

Acer Palmatum is the Japanese Maple

Acer palmatum
We have Norwegian Maple which I relate to America in the fall. They will do well round here but then we also have Acer palmatum or Japanese maple. The name relates to the leaf shape which is palmate or hand like. These tend to be the smaller daintier trees. They already look spectacular now, in autumn they will be amazing.

They look great often by little streams and under planted with ferns and woodland plants. These are the ones you see in the artisan Japanese gardens at Chelsea flower show amongst the moss. You cannot have not notices the gorgeous yellows, reds and orange foliage of these trees that have an almost permanent appeal of autumn. 

Most appear to prefer a dappled sunny position whilst establishing. They don’t like being scorched and beaten by the wind. The rich colours are stronger on a slightly acid soil, though they don’t need ericaceous soil to grow well mine are growing successfully on neutral to slightly limey. They do like lots of water. If they get dry and wind beaten you will just loose the leaves prematurely so grow then in a moist rich soil. I have 3 in pots and 4 in my wooded areas of the garden all performing well. I like to mix the red and the yellow varieties to get the full effect. 

We have a really good selection of colours and sizes. 

I am hoping to be adding a list of varieties in stock to my blog later today. Depending on how much watering I need to do today!

Japanese Artisan Garden At Chelsea Flower Show 2014 

Acers We have in stock

Acer Palmatum Adriana
Acer Palmatum Ann Irene
Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum
Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum
Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum
Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum
Acer Palmatum Autopurpureaum
Acer Palmatum Bi Hoo
Acer Palmatum Bloodgood (large tree)
Acer Palmatum Butterfly
Acer Palmatum Dissectum yellow
Acer Palmatum Emeral Lace
Acer Palmatum Emeral Lace
Acer Palmatum Enkan
Acer Palmatum Festival
Acer Palmatum Fire Cracker
Acer Palmatum Fireglow 
Acer Palmatum Garnet
Acer Palmatum Garnet
Acer Palmatum Garnet Towers
Acer Palmatum Going Green
Acer Palmatum Green Variety
Acer Palmatum Hime Shojo
Acer Palmatum Japanese Jewel
Acer Palmatum Jerre Schwartz
Acer Palmatum Jewels
Acer Palmatum Jordon
Acer Palmatum Jordon
Acer Palmatum Katzum
Acer Palmatum Koto Home
Acer Palmatum Nagashi
Acer Palmatum Orange Dream
Acer Palmatum Orange Dream
Acer Palmatum Orange Dream
Acer Palmatum Osakazuki
Acer Palmatum Red Pigmy
Acer Palmatum Red Wine
Acer Palmatum Red Wine
Acer Palmatum Shaina (top worked)
Acer Palmatum Shaina Shrub
Acer Palmatum Shirasawanum
Acer Palmatum Shirasawanum
Acer Palmatum Skeeters Broom 
Acer Palmatum Sum Nagashi
Acer Palmatum Vitifolium
Acer Palmatum(Yellow Variety)