Remarkably all the shades of autumn effortlessly create a harmonious sense of calm. It is vibrant without creating any clashing contrasts. The colour wheel reveals Mother Nature has evolved a technically perfect colour palette.
Autumn colour peaks not according to a specific date but climatic conditions. It going to be great this year with the wet spring and early summer and now drier conditions. This years foliage will be magnificent in colour in trees, shrubs and climbers.
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Parthenocissus |
The Best Autumn Climbers
We've all seen chocolate box cottages on fire, clad in Parthenocissus a woody vine known commonly as Virginia Creeper or Boston Ivy. I also see the forests of Acers, the images of New England in the fall. We can bring some of these fabulous panoramic visions into our own space on a more suitable scale. I would be selective in my choice of Virginia Creeper as some can be quite invasive and creep into the brickwork. Parthenocissus quinquefolia can climb over 9 metres easily and will cover very quickly. For a smaller garden I would quite happily recommend varieties such as 'Henryana' 'Rubrifolia' and my favourite 'Spring Green'. These only grow 4-5 metres and are ideal to cover garden sheds or weave over picket fencing.
We've all seen chocolate box cottages on fire, clad in Parthenocissus a woody vine known commonly as Virginia Creeper or Boston Ivy. I also see the forests of Acers, the images of New England in the fall. We can bring some of these fabulous panoramic visions into our own space on a more suitable scale. I would be selective in my choice of Virginia Creeper as some can be quite invasive and creep into the brickwork. Parthenocissus quinquefolia can climb over 9 metres easily and will cover very quickly. For a smaller garden I would quite happily recommend varieties such as 'Henryana' 'Rubrifolia' and my favourite 'Spring Green'. These only grow 4-5 metres and are ideal to cover garden sheds or weave over picket fencing.
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Vitus vinifera Purpurea |
Autumn Trees
Autumn always provides a wonderful selection of trees. A more unusual tree is the liquidambar. The variety Liquidambar styraciflua
‘Worplesdon’ otherwise known as Sweet Gum Tree appears to be everywhere,
crush the leaves and they smell sweet. It’s often confused with an
Acer because the leaves look similar and it turns delightfully red in the
autumn and is often the very last tree to lose it leaves in late autumn. Its pre-requisite is a large garden as it will grow at least
8m tall. We do have an option for a smaller garden in Liquidamber 'Silver King' which looks
wonderful throughout the summer with silver margins to its foliage and
is later followed by deep burgundy red autumn colour. This tree will only grow 4-5 metres when fully grown.
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Acer |
Japanese Maples (acer) tend to be small and lovely to mix in
borders of shrubs and perennials because they have character. They can be excellently in woody themes or
Japanese style gardens.
Malus more commonly known as crab apples trees come in all shapes and sizes including dwarf and weeping varieties to suit smaller gardens the best weeping variety is Royal Burgundy, lovely burgundy foliage, pink flowers and stunning red fruit for the autumn and only growing 2 metres. Rudolf is compact upright variety growing to 4 metres. Carmine bronze foliage red flowers flowers in the spring and stunning orange-yellow, red-blushed fruits which last well into winter.
Cercis 'Forest Pansy' is a wonderful small garden tree or large shrub with stunning red heart shaped leaves and brilliant autumn colour. Cercis makes a small tree with a rounded habit, better in a sunny position as sun will keep the leaf zone vivid. Flowers are a light pink and the autumn brings a luminescent red quality to the heart shaped leaves. Plant in free draining soil and stake well.
Other brilliant choices for autumn colour amongst the trees are the small growing Sorbus 'Amber Light' with glowing orange red foliage. Sorbus 'Autumn Spire' which is a narrow upright small tree with glowing burgundy red autumn foliage. I would also recommend Cotoneaster 'Pendulus', a semi evergreen weeping tree (grows 2.5 metres) with white flowers in June and clusters of red fruit for the autumn
Prunus 'Frilly Frock' is a fantastic small weeping tree. It only grows to 2m tall and has lovely white flowers in the spring and unusual golden variegated foliage throughout summer turning amber red in the autumn.
Cerastostigma Plumbaginodes(hardy plumbago) is a thoroughly recommended a small sub shrub with stunning deep blue flowers and glowing autumn foliage.
Norwegian Maples (acer) are much larger trees and will grow in almost any soil conditions Acer Autumn
Blaze is wonderful with its stunning red foliage this tree will grow to 10 metres. Autumn flame is great for a smaller garden still with fantastic autumn foliage growing to 5 metres tall.These trees are what we see in the
pictures of America in the fall often growing natively with liquidambers. In addition we also have some
varieties such as the Snake Bark Maple 'Viper' with fabulous snaky
bark. We would also recommend
Acer plantanoids ‘Crimson King’ (crimson red) and pseudoplantanus
‘Simon Louis freres’(silver with salmon tipped foliage).
Malus more commonly known as crab apples trees come in all shapes and sizes including dwarf and weeping varieties to suit smaller gardens the best weeping variety is Royal Burgundy, lovely burgundy foliage, pink flowers and stunning red fruit for the autumn and only growing 2 metres. Rudolf is compact upright variety growing to 4 metres. Carmine bronze foliage red flowers flowers in the spring and stunning orange-yellow, red-blushed fruits which last well into winter.
'Everest' is a highly recommended variety which has dainty white flowers in spring and apricot coloured berries in autumn growing up to 20ft.
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Cercis |
Other brilliant choices for autumn colour amongst the trees are the small growing Sorbus 'Amber Light' with glowing orange red foliage. Sorbus 'Autumn Spire' which is a narrow upright small tree with glowing burgundy red autumn foliage. I would also recommend Cotoneaster 'Pendulus', a semi evergreen weeping tree (grows 2.5 metres) with white flowers in June and clusters of red fruit for the autumn
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Prunus 'Frilly Frock' |
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Cotinus (Smoke Bush) |
Autumn Shrubs
Here are some of my favourite choices for autumn. Cotinus (smoke bush) has burning dark red foliage and lovely frothy blossom. Leycesteria formosa (Flowering
Nutmeg) has the most beautiful long tassel of purple fruit we now also have in stock the yellow leafed version.
Viburnum Burkwoodii bare green glossy leave that rust into orange and gold as it
turns. Varieties of Cornus (Dog Wood) have leaves turning all shades of autumn colours and green, yellow and red stems
gain winter prominence.
More lovely shrubs for autumn are Abeila Grandiflora which has masses of pink tubular flowers and beautiful bronze foliage for the autumn and winter. The new variety Abeila 'Sparkling Silver' has stunning silver foliage and a mass of pale pink flowers.
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Abelia |
We still have masses of colour in our cottage garden plants. Japanese Anemones including many new varieties such as the new compact growing Fantasy Pocahontas only growing 30 cm tall with a mass of pink flowers are excellent. Anemones are just as good in shade as well as sun.
Rudbeckia 'Goldstar' a very compact variety a mass of star shaped flowers.
Aster frikatii Monch is simply one of the most recommendable and reliable perennials. The compact Aster varieties are great as they only grow 30 cm tall and the plants are covered in flower.
Physalis or commonly known as the Chinese Lantern looks outstanding at this time of year with its glowing seed heads.
The new varieties of Helenium are great introduction as the plants are naturally dwarf growing again 30 cm and slightly later flowering then taller varieties, the flowers come in a range of orange, red and yellow tones.
Schizostylis or more commonly known as kaffir lilies are a great addition to any perennial border, the plant makes compact clumps producing a mass of flowers in either pale or dark pink or red flowers.
Finally a wonderful late flowering perennial is Aconitum Napelius(monkhood) real deep blue flowers held on sturdy stems growing to 60 cm.
Rudbeckia 'Goldstar' a very compact variety a mass of star shaped flowers.
Aster frikatii Monch is simply one of the most recommendable and reliable perennials. The compact Aster varieties are great as they only grow 30 cm tall and the plants are covered in flower.
Physalis or commonly known as the Chinese Lantern looks outstanding at this time of year with its glowing seed heads.
The new varieties of Helenium are great introduction as the plants are naturally dwarf growing again 30 cm and slightly later flowering then taller varieties, the flowers come in a range of orange, red and yellow tones.
Schizostylis or more commonly known as kaffir lilies are a great addition to any perennial border, the plant makes compact clumps producing a mass of flowers in either pale or dark pink or red flowers.
Finally a wonderful late flowering perennial is Aconitum Napelius(monkhood) real deep blue flowers held on sturdy stems growing to 60 cm.
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Carrex 'Red Rooster' |
Texture is just as significant as colour. As the rich red carrex above displays so well. Grasses are superb and often overlooked. Another great overlooked autumn plant that is often thought to be a grass is liriope this plant produces compact evergreen leaves and masses of blue or white flower spikes now. Its a great edging plant.
The texture of the feathery acer leaves and the grassy fronds are a simple but valuable way to add character and bring a finished feel to a garden, like curtains in a furnished and painted room.
Texture is just as significant as colour. As the rich red carrex above displays so well. Grasses are superb and often overlooked. Another great overlooked autumn plant that is often thought to be a grass is liriope this plant produces compact evergreen leaves and masses of blue or white flower spikes now. Its a great edging plant.
The texture of the feathery acer leaves and the grassy fronds are a simple but valuable way to add character and bring a finished feel to a garden, like curtains in a furnished and painted room.
This season is a dramatic
celebration of colour. It’s never more apparent that garden interest is
about so much more than purely what is in flower.