Snipped from my cutting bed to go in the Garden Tipi. I love having a few flowers to cut amongst my vegetables. I really recommend it.
Ammi majus, gladioli,alstroemeria, scabious and a pretty little blue bulb are in this arrangement.I put in a few summer bulbs and seeded some Ammi Majus in the spring, borage and calendula have seeded themselves. Cosmos went in in May and I seeded some deep purple annual scabious and nigela direct late spring.
Here is a simple little jug of cut flowers. I added some borage, cosmos, Ammi Majus and nigela.
These pretty little jars with just cosmos, Ammi Majus a bit of feaverfew and nigela went in The Garden Tipi.
The daisies in the background are Anthemis tinc. Hollandaise Sauce They last ages in a vase. They are just great both in the border and for cutting.