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Tuesday, 14 January 2025

January Gardener's Calendar

As real winter hardy gardeners we know there are some very beneficial outdoor hands on winter jobs from which your garden will truly benefit this month. Many suggested gardening task lists may seem limited to preparatory jobs and whilst these are important, I urge you to get your wellies on grab a spade and show that wheel barrow some action. A gardeners work is never done. 
We have had the shortest day so herald spring is on its way and lets be ready.

  • As long as the the ground is not frozen or waterlogged you can plant. Much of what we were planting and pruning in October may continue as long as the weather does not freeze. Most evergreen and deciduous shrubs can be planted. I would only avoid planting some of the Mediterranean shrubs and herbs.
  • If you haven't moved any shrubs or plants that need relocating in your garden do it now before they start to wake up.
  • Select your seeds both vegetable and annual seeds are now all in stock. 
  • Whilst mild you can get your deciduous hedges in the ground. Take advantage of great value but short bare root hedging season which ends in late spring. The sooner hedges are planted the better.
  • Prune your wisteria again back to about 2 buds on each stem. If your leave the wispy long branches the flower will just get weaker and weaker. Better to have two or three really good flowers.
  • Mulch, mulch and mulch its so good for the garden. Topping up the borders with organic matter such as soil conditioner or farm yard manure will rejuvenate your soil and a happy soil produces happy plants whether they be fruit bushes or perennials. 
  • Don't  leave planting garlic too late, do it now while its is cold.
  • Established fruit and trees benefit from a good feed now.
  • It's the best time to plant rhubarb. Its also an ideal time to pop your forcers over your plants now we have had a frost for an early forced crop of lovely straight stems. 
  • Seed your broad beans.
  • Begin the race for perfect early sweet peas and seed them under cover to plant out in the spring.
  • Keep an eye on your snowdrops. Catch them just as they finish that is your window to  lift and divide them.
  • It's a good time to prune your trees to shape.
  • Remember to feed the birds.
  • We do plan ahead. Traditionally it is time to plant your seeds for this year, think about any reorganising of shrubs and perennials you may wish to get on with before the soil warms up and think about what plants you wan to add to your borders.
  • Sharpen your pruning tools, clean out your green houses, get the lawn mower repaired and be ready for the new gardening year ahead.