We have noticed that customers are buying compost,
potatoes and seeds so that they can be self-sufficient. “The Good Life/Tom
& Barbara”
Here are some of the most popular buys. We can deliver.
50L Westland New Horizon Veg. Growing Compost (Peat
Free) £6.99 (3 for 15)
50L Westland Gro-Sure Farm Yard Manure £6.99 (buy 2 get 3rd
Free) – ideal for allotments
30L Dalesfoot Wool Compost for Vegetables & Salads £7.95
(2 for £14)
45L SylvaGrow Planter Grow Bag for Organic Growing £6.99 (2
for £13)
60L Westland Multi Purpose with added J Innes £6.99 (buy 3
get 4th free)
NEXT WEEK, once we have received a delivery, as
currently no stock,
65L Westland Gro-Sure Tomato Planter £5.99 (2 for £11)