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Tuesday 13 January 2015

Choosing the best Primroses

There are a lot of spring plants to catch our eye.  Its quite rousing to pop out into the garden and see what has suddenly appeared. A picture of spring is the native Primula veris ‘cabrillio’ otherwise known as the English Cowslip. 

These are only one variety of the Primula family but they are not to be or disregarded as a plant for the wild not the garden. They are ideal in our heavy clay soils coping well like most primulas in shady positions.

 I particularly love Primula denticulata which has lolly pop like blooms in whites and mauves. I recently spotted Primula xpubescens ‘Freedom’ which is a lovely variety of these dainty little plants, though more suited to a sheltered corner of the garden. It has rich mauve flowers and foliage more succulent as it is a cross breed with an Auricular primrose. It’s not surprising that these native and easy to grow Primroses are such a highly collectable Genus .

Our spring Talk on Saturday 12th March 2016 is an opportunity to learn about old and new favourites and get inspired for a whole new season of gardening. More info on talk >>