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Saturday 17 May 2014

Favourite Chelsea Garden from the Past

 Favourite gardens at Chelsea Flower Show are not necessarily big medal winners. It may sound odd.Often gardens loose show points over minor changes and don't get the place you feel they deserve.
I loved the 4Head Garden of Dreams in 2006. I had no expectations and walked by with the crowd as one does! It was only as I looked back I remember the surprise at seeing the grass was actually a sculpture of a mermaid. I have since visited Heligan in Cornwall and seen some more of this beautiful naturalistic work and not been disappointed

Chelsea 2006

The garden was a mythical woodland with winding paths, little streams and a stumpery.

Chelsea Flower Show 2006

I loved the detail and felt the engraved slate so appropriate, it belonged with nature it did not grate.

Chelsea 2006

The finishing touches were the little creatures hidden amongst the perfect shady woodland planting.
